Da implantação de meios efetivos das tutelas cautelares e de urgência na arbitragem

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Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido


This text will focus on Law no. 9,307 / 1996 (Arbitration Law) and its main update, Law 13,129 / 2015. According published data by the National Council of Justice (CNJ), the body with a constitutional responsibility for judicial administrative jurisdiction, that one of the main motives of the Judiciary is execution. As a result of the evolution of the traditional method, alternative means of conflict resolution also suffer from the same problem (actual execution), especially in the precautionary measures, being observed legal voids in the official communication between arbitrators and the respective competent court. Measures will be emphasized to converge and bring greater completeness to the existing normative framework, so that another step is directed towards the path of social justice.

Artigo Acadêmico
Diógenes (2018) (DIÓGENES, 2018)