Mestrado em Produção Animal

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    Caracterización del ensilaje de sorgo (Sorghum Bicolor (L.) Moench) com adición de cascara de piña
    (2022-02-15) Chacon, Salvador Augusto Rufino Gonzalez; Assis, Liz Carolina Da Silva Lagos Cortes; Lima, Patrícia de Oliveira; Assis, Liz Carolina Da Silva Lagos Cortes; Assis, Liz Carolina Da Silva Lagos Cortes; Pinedo, Lerner Arevalo
    La fabricación de ensilaje para la alimentación de rumiantes en tiempos de escasez, se utiliza cada día más. Los subproductos de la agroindustria se presentan como ingredientes nutritivos alternativos, brindando rentabilidad y sustentabilidad a los sistemas productivos agrícolas, generando la oportunidad de convertir ingredientes de bajo costo y generalmente desechos, en ingredientes para la alimentación animal o parte del ensilaje. En este contexto, el objetivo de esta investigación fue Caracterizar el valor nutricional y los aspectos bromatológicos del ensilaje de sorgo forrajero con diferentes niveles de inclusión del coproducto cáscara de piña. Los tratamientos fueron: SCA 0 - 100% sorgo; SCA20 - 80% sorgo + 20% cáscara de piña; SCA40 - 60% sorgo + 40% cáscara de piña; SCA60 - 40% sorgo + 60% cáscara de piña; SCA80 - 20% sorgo + 80% cáscara de piña. El diseño experimental utilizado fue completamente al azar, con cinco tratamientos y cinco repeticiones. La cosecha del sorgo se realizó en la fase de maduración, 100 (cien) días después de la siembra, en la etapa de grano pastoso y se utilizó como coproducto la cáscara de piña, ambos picados hasta un tamaño de partícula de 1,5 cm, para proceder al ensilado. Se utilizaron como silos experimentales cubetas de polietileno con capacidad de 3,5 litros. Los silos se almacenaron verticalmente en un lugar protegido y se abrieron a los 65 días, donde se pesaron nuevamente, se homogeneizaron y se tomaron muestras para determinar los niveles de: materia seca (MS), Proteína bruta (PB), extracto etéreo (EE), fibra detergente neutro (FDN), fibra detergente acido (FDA), carbohidrato soluble (CHOs), nutrientes digeribles totales (NDT), perfil fermentativo y digestibilidad in vitro de la materia seca (DIVMS). Se concluyó que el uso del tratamiento SCA80 mejoró la composición química, el perfil fermentativo y también la DIVMS del ensilaje de sorgo mezclado con cáscara de piña
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    Caracterização de silagem de sorgo aditivado com alimentos úmidos
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2021-03-04) Oliveira, Palloma Vitória Carlos de; Pinedo, Lerner Arévalo;; 21307680836; Lima, Patrícia de Oliveira; 76517780491;; Lima, Patrícia de Oliveira; 76517780491;; Pinedo , Lerner Arévalo; 21307680836;; Lima Junior, Dorgival Morais de; 01358734445;
    The objective was to evaluate the chemical-bromatological composition, the fermentative profile and the fermentative losses of sorghum silage added with alternative products of melon and forage palm refuse, as well as to identify and indicate the best treatment among these for later use in the feeding of ruminants. For this, forage sorghum silages were added with melon refuse fruit (zero, 2%, 4%, 6% and .8% in the natural material of the sorghum silage) and forage palm (zero, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40%). Experimental silos of 0.00314 m3 of polyvinyl chloride tubes were used and after 34 days of storage, the silos were opened to measure dry matter (DM), crude protein (PB), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber ( FDA), ether extract (EE), ammoniacal nitrogen (N-NH3), mineral matter (MM), nitrogen insoluble in acid detergent (NIDA), nitrogen insoluble in neutral detergent (NIDN), total carbohydrates (CHOs), cellulose (CEL) ), hemicellulose (HEM), lignin (LIG), total digestible nutrients (NDT), in vitro digestibility of dry matter (DIVMS) and in vitro digestibility of organic matter (DIVMO). Juice was extracted from a fraction of the sample, determined from the fermentation profile, hydrogen potential (pH) and ammonia nitrogen (N-NH3). Part of the juice was frozen for later determination of acetic (AA), propionic (AP), butyl (AB) and lactic (AL) acids by gas chromatography. The silos were weighed after closing and before being opened to assess dry matter losses (PMS), gas losses (PG) and effluent losses (PE). The results were linearly influenced (P <0.05) by the increase in melon scrap levels, with the exception of NDT, AP and PE. For sorghum silages with forage palm, the results were linearly influenced (P <0.05), with the exception of EE, PMS, PG and PE. The addition of 8% of the melon refuse and 40% of the forage palm in the sorghum silages, provided improvements in the chemical-bromatological composition and fermentative profile, as well as minimizing losses. Such proportions are more suitable for feeding ruminants, as they are capable of providing a significant reduction in animal feed costs, in addition to minimizing the impacts caused to the environment. However, in order to determine the real veracity of the results of the present research, studies on the consumption and performance of animals fed with this type of silage, as well as analyzes related to meat quality, are necessary
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    Qualidade microbiológica, físico-química e parasitológica do queijo mussarela fatiado
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2021-05-27) Silva, Leônia Régia Costa da; Bezerra, Ana Carla Diógenes Suassuna; 87743264491;; Soares, Karoline Mikaelle de Paiva; 01398653497;; Soares, Karoline Mikaelle De Paiva; 01398653497;; Bezerra, Ana Carla Diógenes Suassuna; 87743264491;; Sousa, Êlika Suzianny de; 02474173439;
    The objective was to evaluate the microbiological, physicochemical and parasitological quality of sliced mozzarella cheese and the microbiological quality and its packaging. For this purpose, samples of sliced mozzarella cheese were collected from commercial establishments in the municipality of Mossoró in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. Ten samples were collected in establishments that were randomly selected. For analysis, the samples and their packaging underwent microbiological analysis of total and thermotolerant coliforms, counting of mesophilic aerobic bacteria, molds and yeasts, and research on Salmonella spp., as well as physical-chemical analyzes of pH, moisture, acidity, color and marketing temperature and parasitological analysis. All cheese and packaging samples 100% (10/10) were in accordance with current legislation standards for the analysis of total and thermotolerant coliforms and negative results were identified for the analysis of Salmonella spp. The results of mold and yeast counts varied between 6.62 to 8.48 log10 CFU/g for cheese and 1.11 to 2.78 log10 CFU/g for packaging, where the ideal would be the absence of these microorganisms. In the same way, in the counting of mesophilic bacteria, it was observed fluctuations from 5.95 to 8.73 log10UFC/g for cheese and 2.17 to 2.96 log10UFC/g for packaging. The mean equivalent to the pH varied between 4.19 and 5.45, where 60% (6/10) of the samples are outside the recommended range. In the acidity analysis, a variation of 0.11 to 0.18% was observed. The commercialization temperature ranged between 4.4 and 19.4 ºC, with the temperature of 4/10 of the samples analyzed being incompatible with what is required by law. Humidity ranged between 40.39 and 48.32%, classifying 90% (9/10) as medium humidity and 10% (1/10) as high humidity. In the color analysis in the L* parameter, values close to 100 were obtained, showing a trend towards lighter colors, in the a* parameter it was observed that 20% (2/10) of the samples had negative values indicating a tendency to green, and 80% (8/10) presented their positive values showing a tendency to red, in parameter b* 100% (10/10) of the samples had a tendency to yellow. In the parasitological analysis, 90% (9/10) of the samples had no parasitological agents, while 10% (1/10) had a positive result, and the parasitological agent found in this sample was Toxocara sp. Based on the data, it appears that greater attention is needed to the quality of the food analyzed, considering the microbial contamination, physicochemical standards outside the requirements, and thus offering risks to the health of consumers causing risk to the health of their consumers, in addition to the need to adopt measures to ensure a quality product
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    Comportamento higiênico como resposta ao ácaro varroa destructor em abelhas africanizadas (apis mellifera) no semiárido brasileiro
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2021-09-28) Silva, Leandro Alves da; Message, Dejair; 47051825372;; Gramacho, Kátia Peres; 42274320578;; Gonçalves , Lionel Segui; 09383594849;; Jong, David de; 04987549875;
    The health of bees is a topic discussed worldwide, as it is a critical point in the production chain and of fundamental importance for the maintenance of colonies and beekeeping production. The Varroa destructor mite is considered one of the most lethal pests of the bees today and alternative mechanisms for controlling this parasite, without the use of chemical treatments have been studied. Even present in all Brazilian states, V. destructor has not caused the same harmful effects as seen in other countries due to the tolerance of the Africanized bee, the life cycle of the bees, the hygienic behavior sensitive to the mite, the grooming, climate among other factors. Hygienic behavior is considered one of the main defense mechanisms for population control of V. destructor, and the selection of hygienic colonies has been carried out with this objective in mind. With that, in the present work we tried to evaluate the hygienic behavior as a response to this parasite in Africanized bees in the Brazilian semiarid region and, for that, we subdivided the work in 4 stages, here called chapters. In chapter 1 a theoretical fundamentation on the subject was made, in chapter 2 a comparative study of two methods to evaluation of hygienic behavior was carried out, the method of freezing in brood the freezer (FM) and the pin-killing brood method (PM) of the brood with a entomological pin, in order to measure the efficiency of these methods in the ability to remove the brood artificially killed by bees, in 24 and 48 hours after applying them, and based on these results, adopt the best method in the other experiments. A completely randomized design was used, with 4 replications, 17 colonies and 2 treatments. Data collection for this experiment took place between October and December 2019. In chapter 3, the hygienic behavior sensitive to V. destructor (VSH) was evaluated at different phenotypic levels of the general hygienic behavior in Africanized bees (A. mellifera) and its relationship with the rate of infestation in adult bees and brood, moreover, the rate of infestation was correlated with the area of brood operculated. Three groups were formed regarding the expression of hygienic behavior: low (HB<60%), intermediate (60≤HB<80%) and high (HB≥80%). In each group, the VSH, the rate of infestation in broo and in adult bees were evaluated. The capped brood area and climatic variables were collected. Data collection for this experiment took place between June and November 2020. In chapter 4, the infestation rate of V. destructor in adult bees was evaluated from January to December 2020, in hygienic and non-hygienic colonies. Approximately 300 adult bees were collected monthly from each of the 37 colonies and monthly climatic data were also collected to assess its influence on the infestation curve. There was no statistical difference between the methods, both were efficient in the assessment of hygienic behavior both in 24 hours (FM and PM = 66±14) and in 48 hours (FM = 91±9 and PM = 89±11). The freezing method showed a higher rate of capped (FM=33; PM=18) and scored (FM=29.5; PM=21.5) cells and a lower rate of partially removed offspring (FM=21; PM= 30). In Spearman's correlation analysis, no significant correlation was found between HB and VSH (rs = 0.0361, p = 0.7089). Similarly, there was no significant correlation between HB and V. destructor infestation rate both in adult bees (rs = 0.0203, p = 0.8344) and in offspring (rs = - 0.0126, p = 0, 8967). There was a positive correlation between mite infestation in adult bees and mite infestation in offspring (rs = 0.7027, p < 0.0001), however, there was no correlation between VSH and infestation in adult bees (rs = 0, 0873, p = 0.3668) and offspring (rs = 0.0174, p = 0.8577). The results of the analysis showed a negative correlation between brood area and mite infestation in adult bees (rs = -0.5298, p< 0.0001), as well as between mite infestation in brood (rs = -0,6427, P<0.0001). There was a positive correlation between air temperature and mite infestation in adult bees (rs =0.3867, p < 0.0001) and offspring (rs = 0.8071, p < 0.0001). There was a negative correlation between air relative humidity and infestation in adult bees (rs = - 0.5041, p < 0.0001) and offspring (rs = - 0.7324, p = 0.0300), similarly, there was a correlation negative rainfall with infestation in adult bees (rs = - 0.1720, p = 0.0139) and offspring (rs = - 0.3312, p = 0.0004). The average monthly infestation can be considered low, considering that it remained below 10%, with the exception of November, which reached 12.19% ± 6.45, however, there was variation in the infestation between colonies, reaching 42%. There was no statistical difference in the infestation rate between the phenotypic groups (P>0.05). It was observed that the mite infestation associated with the climatic variables influenced the swarming of 32% of the colonies (TºC= 0.3522; UR= -0.40398; PPmm= -0.3981). Hygienic behavior can be assessed by both methods in 24 hours, without the need to assess within 48 hours, however, considering practicality and accessibility, the drilling method is more viable and can be easily applied both in the field and in the laboratory. The hygienic behavior sensitive to V. destructor did not differ between the 3 phenotypic groups. The infestation rate was directly influenced by the brood area. And the mite infestation combined with environmental conditions in the off-season favored colony swarming in the most critical months. There was no significant correlation between the hygienic behavior and the monthly infestation of this parasite, showing that the tolerance of Africanized bees is the result of several factors and not just the hygienic behavior. Even so, the results found reinforce the line of thought that in Brazil there is no need to apply acaricides to control V. destructor
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    Parâmetros de qualidade em linguiça de frango do tipo frescal comercializada a granel
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2021-05-27) Santana, Flávio Estefferson de Oliveira; Bezerra, Ana Carla Diógenes Suassuna; 87743264491;; Soares, Karoline Mikaelle de Paiva; 01398653497;; Soares, Karoline Mikaelle de Paiva; 01398653497;; Bezerra, Ana Carla Diógenes Suassuna; 87743264491;; Sousa, Êlika Suzianny de;; 02474173439
    Sausages are meat products that are highly consumed by the population, mainly due to the ease and speed of preparation. The present study aimed to evaluate the qualitative parameters of fresh chicken sausage marketed in a municipality in the Semi-Arid region of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, carrying out physical-chemical, microbiological and parasitological analyzes. The moisture content, pH, titratable acidity, water retention capacity (CRA), cooking weight loss (PPC), shear strength (FC) and colorimetry were evaluated. Research on helminth eggs or larvae was carried out and microbiological evaluations of aerobic mesophilic bacteria, molds and yeasts, total and thermotolerant coliforms and Salmonella spp. The pH presented 33% (5/15) of the samples as recommended by the current legislation. The averages obtained for the parameters of titratable acidity, FC, PPC and CRA were 4.28%, 1.84%, 37.74% and 43.87%, respectively. Important determinations for the evaluation of sausage processing and conservation status. In colorimetry, the parameters b * (blue / yellow) were higher than those of a * (red content), thus indicating a yellowish color and the results of L * (luminosity) obtained a white direction. The values of aerobic mesophilic bacteria ranged from 4.44 to 7.75 log10UFC/g (Colony Forming Unit per gram), indicating that contamination of the product occurred in some stage of processing, distribution, storage or commercialization. A percentage of 93% (14/15) of the samples from the group of thermotolerant coliforms was within the recommended for consumption. For Samonella spp., There was no contamination in all samples. Thus, it was possible to perceive that the commercialized chicken sausages are mostly adequate in terms of quality, however, even more care is needed in marketing and storage to avoid the development of undesirable microorganisms
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    Processamento do queijo de manteiga artesanal maturado
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2021-05-25) Fernandes, Dayse Ariane Soares Medeiros; Abrantes, Maria Rociene; 05476448411;; Silva, Jean Berg Alves da; 02556429461;; Silva, Jean Berg Alves da; 02556429461;; Abrantes, Maria Rociene; 05476448411;; Rangel, Adriano Henrique do Nascimento; 29183375449;
    During the cheese ripening, physical changes and substances occur, which generate substances needed to change its flavor and aroma. As a result, this study aimed to evaluate the microbiological quality and physicochemical parameters of artisanal butter cheese during the period from zero to 60 days of the maturation period. Cheeses were taken on days 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 analyzed the microbiological quality (count of mesophilic aerobic bacteria, Staphylococci coagulase positive, Salmonella spp., Coliforms at 36ºC, Escherichia coli, molds and yeasts) and physicochemical ( acidity, pH, moisture, protein and fat content). Analyzes regarding the colorimetric profile and texture parameters of hardness, adhesiveness, elasticity, cohesiveness, gummyness, chewiness and resilience were also evaluated. A reduction in microbiological contamination was observed for Staphylococcus coagulase positive and coliform microorganisms at 36 °C. Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp were not found in any of the forced times. However, there was an increase in the count of mesophilic aerobic bacteria, molds and yeasts. Regarding the acidity and pH parameters, there were no differences. The moisture content had an average value of 15.33%, not complying with the legislation. The maximum value found for the fat parameter was 36.24%, acceptable value by law. Regarding the amount of protein in the sample, there was no significant difference, except on day 60, when there was an increase in this parameter. As a tendency to yellow coloration. Regarding the texture parameters, most do not show any difference during the evaluation. Despite the variations found in microbiological and physicochemical parameters, it can be said that maturation helps in the microbiological and physicochemical quality of artisanal butter cheese