Mestrado em Irrigação e Drenagem

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    Função de produção do meloeiro em resposta à fertirrigação nitrogenada e potássica na microrregião de Mossoró
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2010-08-19) Dantas, Daniel da Costa; Medeiros, José Francismar de;; Matos, José de Arimatea de;; Silva, José Robson da;
    The favourable climatic conditions associated with the use of irrigation technology put the agropolo Assu Mossoró Baraúna in a prominent position in national agribusiness. With the increase of production costs there is need for techniques that maximize the application of nutrients. Thus, obtaining yield functions in response to applications of nutrients is one of the tools that can be used for this. The objective of this work was to study the effects to the levels nitrogen and potassium applied by fertigation in the culture of cantaloupe melon type harper, in Mossoro, RN; and specific: (i) determine the levels of nitrogen and potassium (K2O) for the maximum yield, (ii) obtain the levels of maximum economic efficiency, and (iii) evaluate the effect of nitrogen and potassium on fruit quality. The statistical design utilized was randomized a block with two replicates, where the treatments were formed by the incomplete combination of two factors: levels nitrogen (N1 - 0, N2 - 38, N3 - 112, N4 - 238 kg ha-1) and levels potassium (K1 - 0, K2 – 83, K3 - 196, K4 - 365 kg K2O ha-1), obtaining the following treatments: T1 - N1K1, T2 - N1K2, T3 - N1K3, T4 - N1K4, T5 - N2K1 , T6 - N3K1, T7 - N4K1, T8 - N2K2, T9 - N2K3, T10 - N4K4. The fertilizers were applied daily from the 9th day after transplanting (DAT) until the 57th DAT. Was used the melon Caribbean Gold RZ with spacing of 2,0 x 0,3 m. In the 58 and 63 DAT the plants were harvested at for evaluation of yield. The model Z(N,K) = 20276,5 + 95,8506** N - N2 + 0,3418* 16,1171nsK – 0,0539 nsK2 to express yield total (kg ha-1), showed significant effects for test F (p <0,01), R2 = 0,80, the maximum output 28199 kg ha-1 estimated by the model, can be obtained with dosages, 140,17 kg ha-1 N and 149.51 kg ha-1 K2O; the maximum estimated net revenue of R$ 23.519,92 was obtained with a yield of 28,157 kg ha-1, applying to 135,07 kg ha-1 N and 124,79 kg ha-1 K2O. As for firmness, the nitrogen effect was quadratic, with minimum firmness obtained in the level of 100 kg ha-1 along with the higher concentrations of potassium, since for the potassium it showed a decreasing linear effect, while the soluble solids were not affected by doses of nutrients applied
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    Fertirrigação em diferentes ciclos da cultura da bananeira
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2009-10-01) Silva, Maria Ivanísia de Sena da; Pordeus, Roberto Vieira; 06759688449;; 55571425334;; Costa, Solerne Caminha; 38155613372;; Marques, Gleidson Vieira; 48054593368;
    The cultivation of bananas in FAPIJA-Federation of Producers Project Jaguaribe-Tableland, located in the northeastern state in Apodi Plateau, municipality of Limoeiro North - CE has evolved its quality standard and technological level of irrigated banana. This region stands out as the varieties of banana Pacovan, Silver, Willans, Apple, Nine and Grand Terrinha, respectively, in greater amounts of planted areas throughout the municipality. However, factor in the management need more detailed research to optimize the use of water and fertilizer through the irrigation management and fertilization techniques and useful information economically viable for banana growers in the region on irrigated cultivation of banana. This work was encouraged in order to evaluate the influence of different irrigation levels and potassium levels in vegetative development, production and detect chemical effects on leaf and fruit, under irrigation with a flow rate of 2.3 L h-1 and pressure of 2.0 bar during the fourth cycle of cultivation of banana cv. Pacovan Tableland. Also consisted in identifying the efficiency of irrigation, diagnose the irrigation and the application of potassium which obtained the highest yield in production. The experiment was conducted for determining evapotranspiration by the direct method in the lysimeter drainage at the farm FRUTACOR the period, 20/03/2008 to 14/04/2009, located within the Irrigation District Jaguaribe - Tableland (DIJA), located in City of North Limoeiro the State of Ceará, whose geographical coordinates are 5o06'38 "south latitude, 37o52'21" longitude west of Greenwich and altitude of 143 m. The experiment was done in randomized blocks arranged at random with plots and 03 (three) repetitions. The treatments were combinations of 05 (five) irrigation (50% = L1, L2 = 75% L3= 100%, L4 = 125% and L5 = 150%) of crop evapotranspiration, 04 potassium (K1 = 0%, K2 = 60%, K3 = 140% and K4 = 200% K indicated by the analysis of soil (kg ha-1). The reference evapotranspiration was determined by the Penman-Monteith-FAO program REF ET with data collected between March 20, 2008 to 06th 2009 From meteorological station installed in the area of the farm FRUTACOR. The fertigation was assessed weekly by a Venturi type injector with a flow rate of 5 L min-1 who used fertilizers in irrigation water. The values of Kc average initial phase, intermediate and final were 0.87, 1.01 and 0.88 respectively. The dependent variables evaluated for the 1, 2, 3 and 4 production cycles of the culture of banana cv. Pacovan Apodi for interaction irrigation and potassium levels, the number of fruit in the bunch, the number of hands, the weight of the bunch center, the fruit diameter and length of the fruit differed significantly (prob. <0.01) Interaction in Lamina versus potassium. The best treatments for the variables identified NFC and the NP L4K4 in the PPC L5K4 in the DF and CF L3K2 the L5K4. Aspects of quality of bananas: Total Soluble Solids and Concentration of potassium in the fruit were not positively affected by the interaction treatments versus Lamina Potassium for the mean values of four cycles
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    Desempenho de sistemas de irrigação por gotejamento operando com água residuária da castanha de caju sob diferentes pressões de serviço
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2012-08-03) Silva, Ketson Bruno da; Batista, Rafael Oliveira; 03523193648;; Silva Júnior, Manoel Januário da; 03444846452;; 05096121488;; Santos, Delfran Batista dos; 86019198553;; Batista, Rafael Oliveira; 03523193648;
    The cashew crop is a major agricultural activities on national scene, having great economic value to the farmer, and consequently for the agribusiness the country. In northeastern Brazil there are a great number of processing cashew nut industries, generating a significant volume of wastewater. Thus, the scope of this paper was to evaluate the performance of drip irrigation systems operating with wastewater cashew nuts under different operating pressures. The activities were conducted at the Experimental Unit for Water Reuse (UERA), located in Park Zoobotânico, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi - Arid (UFERSA). In this study we tested three types of emitters (G1, G2 and G3), with different nominal flows, orifice areas and labyrinth length. The influence of operating pressures P1 (70kPa), P2 (140kPa), P3 (210 kPa) and P4 (280 kPa) on emitters clogging operating with cashew nuts wastewater were evaluated. The CUC, CUD, CVQ and Q were determined for each 20h of operating. The experiment was mounted on the split split plot scheme, the design completely randomized design with three replications. The data were subjected to analysis of variance and regression and test average. The results indicated that the cashew nuts wastewater represents risk of drippers clogging for the characteristics pH, calcium, magnesium, manganese, suspended solids and total coliforms; the formation of biofilm resulting from the interaction between the agents physical, chemical and biological provided partial clogging of the emitter and reduction on effluent application uniformity of the units irrigation; the units irrigation under service pressure P1 (70 kPa) had higher drippers clogging in relation the service pressures P2 (140kPa), P3 (210kPa) and P4 (280 kPa); the dripper G1 was more susceptible to clogging compared to the other, due to the greater labyrinth length; and the drip G1 was the most indicated for operation at the operating service pressure P2 (140 kPa), while the drip G2 was most appropriate under pressure service P1 (70 kPa)
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    Avaliação do estado nutricional da mangueira Tommy Atkins irrigada no Vale do Açu em diferentes épocas de amostragem foliar
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2010-08-25) Araújo, Júlio Justino de; Morais, Elis Regina Costa de; 76139085420;; Maia, Celsemy Eleutério; 43006086449;; 32365926487;; Morais, Elis Regina Costa de; 76139085420;; Maia, Celsemy Eleutério; 43006086449;
    The nutritional evaluation through foliate analysis has become a useful tool to nutritional analysis in several cultures around the world. Although, there are different methods to interpret foliate analysis, there seems to be a few studies about the utilization of the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) and about the methodology of critical level for the reduced and normal distribution (NCRIZ), to evaluate the nutritional state of irrigated mango tree Tommy Atkins. The objective of this work is evaluating the nutritional state of the mango tree in the valley of Baixo Açu in two different seasons of foliating samplings, using DRIS and NCRIz methodologies to identify and put in order the nutritional limitations and compare the methodologies. The work was developed in Vale do Açu, an important mango tree producer in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, mainly in fluvial neo-soils. The samplings were chemically analyzed during the mango tree fenological development based on N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, B, Zn, Mn, Fe and Cu contents, and respective productivities were collected in 106 cuts supplied by mango exportation companies. To determine the DRIS, the rules, calculation of the DRIS and the nutritional balance for each element and their relation two by two were established. To determine the critical level (NCRIZ), a developed method which uses normal distribution or Gauss-Laplace type was chosen. It is based on continuous distribution of reduced probability. To calculate the critical level, P equals to 90% of maximum production. The methodologies DRIS and NCRIZ were proved efficient to identify the limiting nutrients for the mango tree, once there are differences about limitation hierarchical order. As rules DRIS showed differences about the low productivity population. The variations will probably represent the level of limiting nutrients by excess and deficiency, whereas the NCRIZ allowed to calculate the levels within the reference recommended by the bibliographical referential. Thus, it is another tool for nutritional diagnosis having the advantage of no experiments in the field
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    Produção, crescimento e absorção de nutrientes pela melancia submetida a diferentes salinidades da água de irrigação e doses de nitrogênio
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2011-01-29) Costa, Andréa Raquel Fernandes Carlos da; Medeiros, José Francismar de; CPF:27348636420;; Porto Filho, Francisco de Queiroz; CPF:13869620404;; Figueirêdo, Vladimir Batista; CPF:03205218426;; Câmara, Maria José Tôrres; CPF:94191565400;
    The use of saline water in agriculture has increased in the Northeast due to low availability of good quality water for irrigated agriculture, being the selection of tolerant hybrids to salinity and the use of fertilization nitrogen, an alternative to avoid losses of income and reduce the effect of salinity on nutritional status of plants. So, the objective this work was evaluate the production, the grow and the absorption of cultivars of watermelon under different salinities of irrigation water and doses of nitrogen applied by fertigation in the region of Mossoró in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The treatments studied consisted of applying irrigation water with five electrical conductivities (CE1 = 0,57, CE2 = 1,36, CE3 = 2,77, CE4 = 3,86 and CE5 = 4.91 dS m-1) and three doses of N (48, 96 and 144 kg ha-1), arranged in factorial scheme 5x3 and randomized in blocks design with four replications. It was evaluated the growth and the accumulated nutrient contents in plants of two cultivars of watermelon and the productivity and its components and the fruit quality of three cultivars of watermelon. Data were subjected to regression analysis to the salinity factor and for the factor nitrogen the averages were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. The accumulation of nutrients studied in watermelon plants irrigated with water of lower electrical conductivity occurred in the following order: K>N>P. The nutrients were affected by CEa there is a loss for higher CEa of 35,8% and 29,1 % in the absorption of P and K respectively and of 94,5% in the absorption of N to Shadow and Quetzali cultivars. The highest values of productivity and its components were obtained with water of lower electrical conductivity. There wasn´t significant effect of nitrogen doses in the productivity of Shadow and Quetzali cultivars, while the Leopard cultivar presented commercial and total productivity and number of commercial fruits larger for the dose of nitrogen N2. The average mass of fruits e the number of fruits influenced the loss of income of production of watermelon cultivars studied. The nitrogen doses didn´t influence the soluble solids content in the watermelon cultivars studied. Only the Shadow cultivar responded to the effect of electrical conductivity of irrigation water on the soluble solids of the fruits.
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    Produção, crescimento e marcha de absorção de nutrientes do melão cantaloupe tipo Harper fertirrigado com doses de N e K
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2011-01-31) Damasceno, Ana Paula Alves Barreto; Medeiros, José Francismar de; CPF:27348636420;; Matos, José de Arimatea de; CPF:18882533487;; Medeiros, Damiana Cleuma de; CPF:96724510406;
    The use of fertigation is becoming increasingly and common, however, this practice requires a thorough knowledge about the culture being used to actually be of benefit. Knowing the uptake is an important point, since this will determine how the split will occur. Among the nutrients of greatest importance to the development of crops are nitrogen (N) and potassium (K). The objective of this study was to determine growth, yield, nutritional status and the uptake for the cantaloupe melon type "Harper," conditions Mossoró-RN, in response to nitrogen and potassium. The experiment was in randomized blocks with two replications. The treatments were formed by the combination of increasing levels of nitrogen - N (N1 - 5, N2 - 37.78; N3 - 111.65; N4 - 237.65; N5 - 442.05; N6 - 666.41 kg ha-1) and potassium - K2O (K1 - 5; K2 - 82.86; K3 - 195.67; K4 - 364.61; K5 - 574.13; K6 - 827.54 kg ha-1), forming the treatments: T1 - N1K1, T2 - N2K2, T3 - N3K3, T4 - N4K4, T5 - N5K5, T6 - N6K6, being N3K3 the dose adopted by producers in the region. We evaluated the production, biomass, levels and accumulation of N, P and K in the plant. Considering all the factors studied in relation to nutrient content in the plant it was found that the treatments affected the concentration of nitrogen (N) found in the leaves at the vegetative (stem + leaves) and shoot of the whole plant and the concentration of potassium (K) in shoot of the whole plant at all sampling times, indicating that the plant responded to fertilizer application. In general, the highest values levels were found to for the treatment T5 (442 kg N and 574 kg K2O) at 44 days after transplanting (DAT). With respect to the accumulation and partitioning of dry matter and nutrients at harvest, plants receiving treatment T2 (38 kg N and 83 kg K2O) showed higher dry matter compared to other treatments, accumulated 337.8 kg ha-1 with 37% in vegetative parts (leaf + stem) and 63% in the fruit. Nutrient requirements for melon followed the order: K> N> P. To N, the highest accumulation was observed in the vegetative parts (leaf + stem), with 58.9%, while the fruit value was 41.1% for P and K, the highest accumulation was observed in fruit with 80.8% and 84.6% respectively, while in the vegetative part values were 19.2% and 15.4% respectively. The highest rate of absorption of nutrients occurred during the period around 44 days after transplanting, indicating that this is the time when the plant has increased demand for fertilizer application, since the fruits become the main drains of the plant. On treatment T3 (112 kg N and 196 kg K2O) where there is higher accumulation of nutrients, and productivity does not grow more significantly, they may be, with more further studies, this dose was used without the risk of loss due to deficiency or excess fertilizer.