Mestrado em Ciência do Solo

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    Características química, física e teores de elementos- traço em solos diferentes ambientes no Rio Grande do Norte
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2011-07-08) Freire, Glécia Mesquita; Mendes, Alessandra Monteiro Salviano; Alves, Sandra Maria Campos;; Silva, Francisco Nildo da;
    The soils naturally have trace elements in varying concentrations, depending on the parental material which were formed, genesis processes, composition and proportion of the soil solid phase components, however the human activities can affect their concentration in the soil. The irrigation water, fertilizer application and use of pesticides can contribute to soil contamination with these elements, as well as sewage disposal and waste from industrial and residential. The problems caused by trace elements excess depend on the chemical forms and amount in which occur in soils. Although the soil total concentration not a good parameter for bioavailability predicting its determination aims at obtaining data on the accumulation of these elements over time mainly due agricultural practices. Recently the trace elements has raised interest because of the possibility of their to food chain transfer, since some agricultural inputs as lime and fertilizers used in agriculture be contamination source. In Rio Grande do Norte are few studies on the soils contaminated by trace elements. Thus, the work realized in 2010, evaluated the trace elements concentration in soil of the native forest (natural environment), agricultural and landfills or dumps in four Rio Grande do Norte cities and its correlation with the chemical and physical soil characteristics. For this purpose soil samples were collected before and after the rains period in three cities (Mossoró, Assú, Lajes and Natal) in three areas with different use. In each city and within the chosen environment three compost soil samples taken from depths of up to 20 cm, were analyzed for pH, Ca, Mg, Na, K and Al exchangeable, and P available. Were calculated the sum of bases (SB) and cation exchange capacity effective (CEC). In the physical characterization utilized the granulometry, bulk soil, particle density and calculated the soil total porosity (TP). The samples were analyzed for were cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) by 3051A method of the Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). The quantification of the trace elements content was performed by atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) with air-acetylene flame. The results were analyzed using descriptive statistics, simple linear correlation and multivariate statistics (principal component analysis and factorial). In general the mean trace elements concentration in the soil followed the order: natural range < agricultural soil < dump and their mean concentrations in the areas of landfill were higher than the CETESB's benchmarks
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    Avaliação do sistema de integração lavoura pecuária em função dos atributos físicos do solo no Município de Riacho dos Cavalos-PB
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2012-02-29) Costa, Claudinete Lígia Lopes; Silva, Suedêmio de Lima; 43719368491;; Pereira, Joaquim Odilon; 09839437453;; Portela, Jeane Cruz;; Andrade, Raimundo;
    The integration crop-livestock is a system of use of the agricultural areas with management of crops and animals at same area, making possible, intensification of the use of the land, increasing the sustainable of the production systems and improving the profitability through the introduction of the tillage of annual pastures. The news inter-relations established with the presence of animals can make the soil the most complex. For this reason, techniques of management adapted for this system of production must be developed. This work analyzed the effect of the soil compaction, in function of the soil physical and mechanical characteristics in areas cultivated with corn and bean at the integration system crop-livestock. The experiment was managed at Riacho dos Cavalos- PB, in the period of March of 2011 October of 2011. The parameters of soil bulk density, structural void ratio and compression index of the soil were analyzed in the depths of 0.0 to 0.05m, 0.05 to 0.10m and 0.10 to 0.20m. The delineation in blocks at random was used in scheme factorial 2x4x3 with three repetitions. The results showed significant differences up for soil bulk density and structural void ratio. There was not increase of the soil bulk density as well as reduction of the soil structural void ratio with the bovine ones
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    Adubação orgânica e densidades de plantas em crotalária juncea antecedendo arroz
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2011-01-24) Sousa, Giulliana Mairana Morais de; Miranda, Neyton de Oliveira; CPF:30341647004;; Gurgel, Marcelo Tavares; CPF:01880476460;; Diniz Filho, Edimar Teixeira; CPF:81269382420;
    Green manuring is the practice of incorporating undecomposed plant tissue to the soil, to maintain or increase soil fertility. One of the most used plants as green manure is Crotalaria juncea, with presents advantages compared to other legumes. This work was conducted with the objective of evaluating the effect of organic manures and plant densities on Crotalaria juncea growth, accumulation of nutrients in its shoots and in the soil, and also on rice yield. The trial was developed in an experimental area of Semiarid Federal Rural University, in Mossoró, RN, Brazil. Experimental design was a randomized blocks in a 4 x 3 factorial scheme, with four replications. Factors studied were organic manures (chicken manure, earthworm humus and control) and plant spacing (10 x 10, 14 x 14, 17x 17 and 20 x 20 cm). Determinations realized were: fresh and dry mass of shoot and root of crotalaria, shoot contents of N, P and K and soil pH, electrical conductivity (EC), PST and contents of C, N, P, K, Na, Ca and Mg after decomposition of crotalaria plants, and also rice production components (panicle number in 10 plants, grain weight in 10 plants; empty grain weight in 10 plants; mass of 100 grains). Data were submitted to variance analysis. The results related to the spacing were subjected to linear regression and data on the type of fertilization were subjected to Duncan test at 5% probability. Plant density of crotalaria provided a positive linear effect on shoot dry and green mass and per hectare accumulated amounts of N, P and K of shoot, and also a negative linear effect on root dry mass. Nutrient content per plant were not influenced by plant density and manure type, while manure type influenced only the P content per plant. Chicken manure provided the higher values of shoot fresh (24,55 t ha-1), and dry mass (5,89 t ha-1) and root dry mass (20,23 g) of crotalaria and the higher values of accumulated amounts per hectare of N(122,68 kg ha-1), P (33,38 kg ha-1) and K (78,00 kg ha-1) on shoot. Plant density of crotalaria did not influenced rice production components, while manure type only influenced mass of empty grains.
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    Resposta da cultura do girassol a doses de potássio, magnésio, boro, zinco, cobre e a fontes de nitrogênio
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2011-02-25) Queiroga, Fábio Martins de; Oliveira, Fábio Henrique Tavares de; CPF:56678002415;; Medeiros, José Francismar de; CPF:27348636420;; Santos, Hemmannuella Costa; CPF:00860572439;
    In the northeast semi-arid, the culture of the sunflower can be cultivated under regime of rains or under irrigation conditions in the period of the drought. In Agropolo Mossoró- Assú, an important melon and watermelon production area in irrigation conditions during the drought period, the sunflower comes with high potential for culture rotation during the rainy period. However, the sunflower will only be economically viable if be obtained high productivities, what depends a lot on an appropriate fertilization. In this work it was aimed evaluating the answer of the sunflower culture (Helianthus annuus L.) to levels of K (potassium), Mg (magnesium), B (boron), Zn (zinc), Cu (copper) and to different sources of N (nitrogen) applied in the planting and in covering in alkaline soil of the Chapada do Apodi-RN. Two field trials were carried out in the municipal district of Baraúna-RN, in a clay eutrophic Haplic Cambisol. The sunflower was sowed in the spacing of 0,90 x 0,30 m using the hybrid H-251. The trial design had randomized blocks with four replications. In the trial 1, 10 treatments were compared with your respective nutrient applications to the soil, with five levels of K (0; 25; 50; 75 and 100 kg ha-1) and five levels of B (0,0; 0,5, 1,0; 2,0 and 3,0 kg ha-1). In the trial 2, seven treatments were compared with the objective of evaluating the effects of the presence and absence of the fertilization with Zn, Cu and Mg and the effects in different use forms (planting and, or, covering) of sources of N (urea and, or, ammonium sulfur). 47 days after emergency (DAE), samples composed of soil were collected in the depth from 0 to 20 cm of the useful area of each portion, for determination of the content of K, Mg, B, Zn and Cu available. In the beginning of the flower development of the sunflower, the nutritional status of the plants was evaluated, being determined the content of N, P, K, Ca, S, Mg, Zn, B and Cu in the leaves. At the end of the trial, plant height, stem and chapter s diameter, mass of 1.000 grains and the yield of grains were evaluated. The application of K and B doses increased the levels of those nutrients ones in the soil, however there was not effect in the plant as well as the characteristics of the sunflower plant related to the growth and the production. The treatments of presence and absence of a dose of Zn, Cu and Mg didn't influence the characteristics of the sunflower plant related to the growth and the production. The N fertilization of the sunflower culture, using different sources of N applied in the planting and in covering, didn't influence the level of N in the leaf and the characteristics of the sunflower plant related to the growth and the production.
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    Eficiência do uso da terra na associação de culturas para produção de Bio-Óleo
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2010-08-31) Basílio, Flávio de Oliveira; Ferreira Neto, Miguel; CPF:85048496434;; Holanda, Jose Simplicio de; CPF:08337195487;; Dias, Nildo da Silva; CPF:02407382412;
    A field experiment was carried out at Morrinhos, municipality of Nísia Floresta, RN with the goal of developing a management system aiming to produce oil for biodiesel. In this system, hybrid coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) is the main crop, and is associated with sunflower, castor bean, peanut, soybean and jatropha cultivation in fertilized. The experimental design was randomized blocks with six treatments in a consortium (coconut and sunflower hybrids - C1, hybrid coconut and castor oil - C2, hybrid coconut and peanuts - C3, hybrid coconut and soy - C4, hybrid coconut and jatropha - C5 and jatropha and sunflower - C6) and six in monocrop (S1 hybrid coconut, sunflower - S2, castor - S3, peanuts - S4, soy - and jatropha S5 - S6) with three replications. Plots of 768 sqm with 12 coconut palm trees spaced 8.0 x 8.0 m square in the intercropping systems. Sole crops and intercropped with jatropha and sunflower were planted in an area of 240 m² per plot and the trial had a floor area of 1.602 ha. The variables were analyzed: grain yield and oil content by the production system, also estimating the efficiency of land use (EUT), corresponding to the 1st year of conducting the experiment and the 12 th year of cultivation of coconut, quantifying the production of bio-oil systems studied. There was no significant difference in total production of bio-oil treatments between the consortium that promotes the association of oil without causing damage to coconut palms. There were significant differences in total production of bio-oil systems in monoculture. The highest yields were given by peanut, rapeseed and sunflower did not differ. The minors were of jatropha in the first year. The intercropping system with higher efficiency of land use were: coconut x sunflower and coconut x soybeans emerging as the greatest potential to increase the production of bio-oil.
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    Densidades de semeadura de leguminosas na melhoria da qualidade do solo e na produtividade do milho
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2015-02-12) Melo, Isabel Giovanna Costa e; Pereira, Joaquim Odilon; CPF:09839437453;; Miranda, Neyton de Oliveira; CPF:30341647004;; Diniz Filho, Edimar Teixeira; CPF:81269382420;
    Currently, the concern with the progress of degradation processes installed in most Brazilian soils, and with the prevention of the degradation of new areas, has led to the need to use practices to add organic matter to soil. Among these, there is a green manure, recognized as a viable alternative in the search for sustainability of agricultural soils. In this context, an experiment was implemented at the experimental farm of UFERSA, in order to evaluate the performance of green manuring legumes seeded in different rates, for improving soil quality and corn yield. The experiment was constituted of two stages: first, the cultivation of legume species and, second, commercial cultivation of corn. Experimental design was randomized blocks in a factorial scheme 4x4, with 16 treatments and four replications, totaling 64 plots, each of 1 m2. Factors studied were legume species (pigeon pea, jack bean, lab-lab, dwarf velvet bean) and seeding rates (10, 20, 30 and 40 plants m-2). Soil samples for analysis were taken before legume seeding and 30 days after its incorporation into the soil. At full flowering, legumes were cut, weighed for biomass determination, sampled for leaf analysis, incorporated into the soil and left fallow for 30 days. After this period corn crop was grown for determination of its nutritional status, plant height, dry mass of hundred grains and total mass of grains. Data were submitted to variance and regression analysis means were compared through Tukey test at a 5% probability level. Lab-lab and pigeon pea showed higher results of biomass accumulation and nutrient content, what provided improvement in soil chemical characteristics and¸ as a consequence, increased grains yield and plant height