Salinidade, temperatura e petróleo na resposta fisiológica de sementes de Poincianella pyramidalis (Tul.) L. P. Queiroz

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Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido


During the process of germination, water absorption by the seeds is crucial in the recovery of metabolic activity, and all the factors that control the physiological events involved in the germination process are influenced by temperature. This process is also worth noting the degree of tolerance of seeds to salinity, and contaminants such as oil. Poincianella pyramidalis is endemic to the Caatinga and commonly indicated for recovery of degraded areas. This work aims to analyze the tolerance of this species to different electrical conductivities and temperatures during their soaking process water and germination, as well as their tolerance for different times of immersion in oil. The experiment absorption was developed under a completely randomized design in a factorial 5 x 7 x 3, 5 salinities, temperatures 7 and 3 repetitions. The seeds were weighed at various periods of time until the stabilization of the absorption curve. The germination experiment was conducted using the seeds from the water absorption test, developed under a completely randomized design in a factorial 5 x 5 x 3, 5 salinities, temperatures 5 and 3 repetitions. The germination evaluations were performed daily until the stabilization of the same. The experiment oil was developed under a completely randomized design in a factorial 5 x 4, 5 treatments and 4 repetitions. The periods of immersion times oil employed were 0; 5; 60; 720 and 1440 minutes. During the process of water absorption, the increase of EC caused a reduction of AAmax and TAAmáx, and the temperature increase caused reduction only tAA50%. In the process of germination, the increase of EC resulted in decreased Gmáx and increased TG50%, while increasing temperature had a positive influence to 27°C at Gmax and TGmax, however, reduced the TG50%, and t.TGmax. The oil seed negatively impacts, reduced Emax and TEmax, while t.E50% and t.TEmax were prolonged

NOGUEIRA, Dayanne Támela Soares. Salinidade, temperatura e petróleo na resposta fisiológica de sementes de Poincianella pyramidalis (Tul.) L. P. Queiroz. 2016. 78 f. Dissertação (Mestrado) - Curso de Pós-graduação em Ecologia e Conservação, Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, 2016.