Sinal digital: o modelo DRM em contraste ao sistema brasileiro de radiodifusão

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Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido


In Brazil, the role used to broadcasting since its born, relates to important segments of communication and the democratization of knowledge and information. Other important aspects such as social and cultural relations and the propagation of comments are present in the main platforms of dissemination of content. The radio was the pioneer in broadcasting in Brazil, when in the decade of 20 began to take the first steps to consolidate and act to the present day as a source of information and entertainment, disseminating information and providing service to its listeners and advertisers, who pass from generation to generation, always adapting the new technologies that emerge in the telecommunications industry, even if gradually. In this way, the research aims to approach the current panorama of the Brazilian broadcasting in front of the digitization of the main platforms and communication systems, in this case the television and especially the radio, since it proposes the model Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) as a possible national standard in the process of migrating analog to digital technology. Are approached social aspects that are associated with the dreaded digitization and these are treated from the field research directed by the application of questionnaires in the radio stations of the city of Pau dos Irons-RN, in order to point the local panorama About the discussion on the digitization of these platforms. The methodology adopted for the technical description of the DRM system is entirely based on the bibliographic review, essentially by those who use the signal in concrete applications in the country. The results show that, despite the geographic location, the broadcasters were updated about the theme, as well as positioning themselves in favor of digital migration, also pointing out factors and obstacles that hinder such process. In this conjuncture, the research brings as a conclusion the evaluation of the migration scenario thinking in the realistic context regarding the geopolitical, economic and technological situation of the country, emphasizing the transmission possibilities that the DRM system allows, as well As its quality and flexibility to adapt the specific characteristics of Brazil, since the system is open source, and enables the efficient use of the current state of the Brazilian frequency spectrum.

Aquino(2019) (AQUINO,2019)