Estase gastrointestinal associada à formação de tricobezoar em coelho doméstico (Oryctolagus cuniculus): relato de caso

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Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido


One of the most recurrent pathologies in the lagomorph clinic is gastrointestinal stasis. This condition has multifactorial causes, such as: stress; dehydration; obstruction; inadequate diet and others that associated with the particularities of the species contribute to this high incidence. A rabbit, with no defined breed and approximately 2 years old, was brought to the clinic of the medical and surgical clinic of wild animals of the veterinary hospital of UFERSA. The main complaints were apathy, progressive hyporexia and decreased frequency of defecation. Clinical examination revealed a bulging abdomen, evident stomach at palpation, tympanic sounds at abdominal percussion, and gastrointestinal hypomotility during auscultation. Radiographic, ultrasonographic and biochemical examinations were performed, and gastrointestinal stasis was diagnosed. Symptomatic and supportive care was instituted, however, there was no significant improvement in the condition. Therefore, the surgical approach was chosen through the gastrotomy procedure.

Pereira (2019) (PEREIRA, 2019)