Engenharia de Energia


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    Estudo de proteção de média tensão para subestação modular industrial
    (2022-06-01) Nascimento, Bruno do; Andrade, Humberto Dionísio de; Andrade, Humberto Dionísio de; Rocha, Ednardo Pereira da; Sousa, Matheus Emanuel Tavares
    Todo novo projeto de ampliação de uma rede elétrica necessita de uma avaliação da atual e futura infraestrutura elétrica e de seus sistemas de proteção. Um dos principais requisitos de um sistema de proteção elétrica industrial são os estudos de proteção e seletividade, devido ao fato desses ambientes envolverem corrente e tensões consideradas elevadas que em caso de falha da proteção pode ocasionar enormes danos a instalação. Através desses estudos é possível parametrizar equipamentos capazes de detectar e minimizar os efeitos causados pelas falhas elétricas oriundas de fatores como: erro humano, equipamentos defeituosos e envelhecimentos das instalações. Os dados obtidos por meio dos estudos de proteção e seletividade são implementados aos relés em processo denominado parametrização, e levam em conta os níveis de curto circuito, capacidade amperimétrica dos cabos e curvas de suportabilidade dos equipamentos envolvidos fornecendo uma proteção ao sistema através do relé de proteção. Por meio deste estudo foi possível coordenar a proteção geral de uma subestação modular industrial com uma derivação em média tensão, assim fornecendo parâmetros necessários para configurar um relé de proteção ABB modelo REF 610 para proteção de uma subestação abrigada de 300 kVA com extensão de rede nu
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    Identificação e análise de parâmetros de motores de corrente contínua sem escovas
    (IEEE Latin America Transactions (Volume: 14, Issue: 7, July 2016), 2016) Bastos, Fellipe Fonseca; Silva, Monique Fernandes da; Casillo, Danielle Simone da Silva; Casillo, Danielle Simone da Silva; Casillo, Leonardo Augusto; Casillo, Leonardo Augusto; Casillo, Danielle Simone da Silva; Casillo, Leonardo Augusto
    This paper presents the parameters identification and analysis of brushless direct current motors. As it is not always possible to find such information in manuals, the objective was to perform experiments to find the parameters of the brushless direct current motors. By the results of the experiments, it was possible to determine important constants for obtaining the motor transfer function, and the efficiency and performance motor curves. The motor transfer function is a mathematical representation to describe the system inputs and outputs, and it is used in response analysis and control simulations. Besides contributing to the procedure to obtaining the transfer function, and efficiency and performance curves for research applications in the control and automation field, this work contributes to the obtained results for the motor A2212/13T.
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    Aplicação de arduíno no desenvolvimento de um colorímetro de baixo custo com transferência de dados para Android
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2017-05-22) Lima Junior, Erione Barbosa de; Leite, Ricardo Henrique de Lima; Queiroz Júnior, Idalmir de Souza; Leite, Ricardo Henrique de Lima; Meneses, Leonardo Gomes de; Morais, Hugo Luiz
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    Levantamento dos custos do ciclo de vida de um sistema fotovoltaico residencial conectado à rede da COSERN
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2021-11-19) Silva, Lêdson Led Freitas da; Aguiar, Victor de Paula Brandão; Aguiar, Victor de Paula Brandão; Moura, Adriano Aron Freitas de; Gonçalves Junior, Adriano Araujo
    This work performs a case study on the survey of the life cycle costs of a residential photovoltaic system connected to the network of COSERN located in the city of Mossoró, Rio grande do Norte, in order to address the possible costs related to the installation of the system until the end of its useful life, which are the initial costs, maintenance costs, replacement costs, energy and generation costs and disposal costs of the system. The solar irradiation data in the region were analyzed through meteorological data obtained from the CRESESB website, normative resources of the National Agency of Electric Energy (ANEEL) were used and equipment was chosen from the Brazilian market according to their technical data for the sizing of the photovoltaic system, considering that 137kWh is equivalent to 1kWp of the installed system and considering a loss of 25% of the system to determine the monthly generation. The technical analysis showed that the city of Mossoró has a great potential for generation due to its level of solar radiation and to meet the consumption profile of the consumer unit under study a system of 2.86kWp was dimensioned to compensate an average monthly consumption of 392.41 kWh, the system is composed of 8 monocrystalline modules of 400W of power, from the manufacturer Jinko Solar and a 3kW inverter, from the manufacturer Growatt. The project had an initial cost of R$19,960.80 for the acquisition of the equipment and all the necessary installation and a survey was made of the costs for 25 years in some specific years, the first, fifth, tenth, fifteenth, twentieth and twenty-fifth years to compare with the costs that would be without the solar system with the solar system in operation and a value of R$65,786 was obtained that would be paid without the solar system for 25 years and a value of R$9,179.90 with the solar system during the same years. It was concluded that, after raising the costs for economic evaluation, the implementation of this photovoltaic system presented itself as viable and compensated all the initial investment made, even with the maintenance and replacement costs during its useful life
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    Estudo de aterramento da usina fotovoltaica da UFERSA
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2017-10-20) Olveira, Alysson Max Costa de; Rocha, Ednardo Pereira da
    The proposed work consists in verifying the ground conditions, as well as the ground resistance values of a grid-connected photovoltaic system located in UFERSA. The system consists of 580 photovoltaic modules, distributed in 5 strings having 116 modules each, and containing individual grounding. Visual inspection of ground conditions was carried out, and with the help of a terrometer using the Wenner method, ground resistance measurements were performed, obtaining values measured above 20 Ω. These values differ from those described in standards. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that the values of earth resistance are high, if compared to the current norm in Brazil, as well as international standards, and that some constructive aspects of grounding are in disagreement with what is described in standard, and in the solar power plant project
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    Análise de distorção harmônica causada por aerogerador de pequeno porte com inversor de tensão em geração distribuída off-grid
    (Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, 2018-04-19) Castro, Gibran Araújo de; Queiroz Júnior, Idalmir de Souza; Aguiar, Victor de Paula Brandão; Bezerra, Bemielison Gletson da Silva