Representações do ensino de inglês em uma escola pública de mossoró-rn: um estudo sociodiscursivo

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Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido


One of the main precepts for English teaching in the official documents of Brazilian education (BRASIL, 1998; 2000; 2017) refers to gather knowledge and professionals for integral human education. Also, our experience in English teaching and studies in the Research Group in Literacy, Identity and Teacher Training propelled us to study not only how this challenge is understood by the English teacher. Thus, we bring the following question: How English teaching is represented in autobiographical texts (autobiography and dialogue journal) written by two English teachers in a public school? Therefore, this study aims at analyzing representations on English teaching in the public school from texts by two English teachers. In order to substantiate the data analysis, this study was based on the blend of three theoretical perspectives (Sociodiscursive Interactionism, French Activity Ergonomics and Clinic of Activity), which are grounded on the same theoretical basis, such as Vygotsky‟s and Bakhtin‟s works regarding psychology and language points, respectively. This is a study case and the corpus consists of autobiographical texts written by two English teachers. The data analysis aimed at researching representations showed in the theme and modalization found in the dialogue journal, and the voices registered in the teachers‟ autobiographies. The data showed that the voices in the autobiographies focus on the appreciation of writing the self, the research as an instrument of the teacher‟s work reconfiguration, and the use of tools as appealing for English teaching. Regarding the theme, there is a focus on the concept of teaching as an activity directed (AMIGUES, 2004) mainly to students, as well as on the various situations of conflicts registered in the journal, and its role in generating critical thinking about teaching. The most common evaluations in the analyzed texts are the ones based on elements from the subjective world (appreciative modalization) and highlight the students‟ and teacher‟s role, and show the tools influence on teaching (re)organization. The analysis of the elements of the teacher‟s work reinforced representations like the importance of tools, but also emphasized teaching as one-person task, once the teachers do not point to teaching based on the collectives. In short, the teachers‟ representations about English teaching resemble the teacher‟s work conception by Machado (2009), which understands the tools as links between the teacher and others. However, the mentions to others in the teachers‟ texts directs only to students

Citação com autor incluído no texto: Mascarenhas Filho (2018) Citação com autor não incluído no texto: (MASCARENHAS FILHO, 2018)