Espaços de autoria e legitimação dos estudantes no processo de aprendizagem

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Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido


This research examines processes that emerge in spaces authored subject of students in a production experience with photographic technical objects in a public school in Mossoró/ RN. The phenomenon known in school, we assume the perspective, is a process that involves the production of ourselves and students, while it produces changes in learning environments in school. This research on the meanings of school for student learning, i ask myself the following question: - As students in an experience of inventive production of images, transform ways of perceiving the learning processes in school? A theoretical and methodological perspective we adopt is the intervention research we organize a production environment for a group of 10 students who meet digital technologie. The production data in the survey happened based on the route indicated commented by Jean Paul Thibaud (2000) in which we take as empirical field entries, autonarrativas occurring in the course of experience with images method. The sensitive environment of Jean Paul Thibaud, it becomes interesting because it participates in the organization of which we'll call photographic route. This author gives access to a sensitive approach in dealing with the environment where students meet with technical objects to produce something that involves the circumstances of learning in school. The theoretical network will be expanded with the construction of Humberto Maturana and Francisco Varela (2001) , scientists who built the prospect of Biology of Cognition , more directly the concept of autopoiesis and explanations arising on the circularity of the living - learning processes . To address the mode of understanding the technologies and technical objects rely on the work of Gilbert Simondon (1958 , 1989) and also on the path of learning with inventive images , with studies of Deleuze (1995) , Kastrup (2012) , Roland Barthes (1984) , Lucia Santaella (1998) , Philippe Dubois (1994) and Michel Serres (1993) . These scholars are important because they favor an innovative approach to technology and / or working with images. On the significance of the photographic image as a living field of language, students developed concepts, reinvented learn in school, which was constituted ways of intervening in reality. The tessitura of networks of conversations with students in workshops potentiated the spaces of knowledge about the phenomenon of learning in school, the circumstances that often deny the legitimacy of the subject. The production of students with images and conversation networks allowed to observe cognitive changes produced when the images and explain what they sought to do this emerged. As a result of the work we distinguish, in a journey of photographic production, students might mean the different spaces of the school, distinguishing the experiences that create barriers to knowledge and those who perceive themselves as authors in learning pathways

GONÇALVES, Kézia Viana. Spaces of authorship and legitimacy of the students in the learning process. 2013. 126 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Estratégias sustentáveis de desenvolvimento do Semiárido) - Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido, Mossoró, 2013.