Fabricação e validação de um sistema para caracterização termomecânica

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Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido


With the need to know new properties of the materials, a prototype was developed in the mechanical design laboratory of the Federal Rural Semi-Arid University, with the objective of enabling the electrothermomechanical characterization of mechanical materials, metal alloys with memory effect of form (LMF) NiTi and active composites based on NiTi. This design consists of an adjustable thermal bath, where it is possible to vary and control the temperature during all the tests, to analyze several properties, such as: electrical resistance, electrical voltage, phase changes of materials, elastic modulus, ductile / fragile transition of some elements. This prototype was fabricated with an adaptation to the universal machine of the EMIC type, in order to join the device developed by the test machine, transforming into a thermomechanical system. With this system, it was possible to verify the activation capacity of the LMFs and composites with NiTi alloys, which showed a positive variation in the elastic modulus when heated above the transformation temperature of the NiTi slides.

Queiroz (2018) (QUEIROZ, 2018)